people and governance


niels ten oever – co-principal investigator – geopolitics lead

niels is assistant professor of ai and european democracies and co-principal investigator with the critical infrastructure lab at the university of amsterdam. next to that, he is a research fellow with the centre for internet and human rights at the european university viadrina, non-resident fellow with the center for democracy and technology, affiliated faculty with the digital democracy institute at the simon fraser university, and an associated scholar with the centro de tecnologia e sociedade at the fundação getúlio vargas. he also serves as vice-chair for the global internet governance academic network. his research focuses on how norms, values, and ideologies get inscribed, resisted, and subverted in communication infrastructures through their transnational governance.

niels tries to understand how invisible infrastructures provide a socio-technical ordering to information societies and how this influences the distribution of wealth, power, and possibilities.


peter ‘maxigas’ dunajcsik – – co-principal investigator – standards lead

maxigas is senior lecturer in media & culture at the media department of the university of amsterdam. he interested in hacker culture, cybernetic ideologies, infrastructural imaginaries, and the materiality of the digital. he uses media ethnography and digital methods to answer philosophical questions about contemporary social conflicts. with a thoroughly interdisciplinary background in the social sciences and humanities, a decade long industry experience in it, and a history of media activist practice, he brings a theoretically sophisticated, technologically grounded, politically savvy perspective to debates on media and culture. his papers have been published in leading journals in science and technology studies as well as media studies, from the social studies in science, through the journal of peer production, to most recently in the internet policy review.

fieke jansen

fieke jansen – – co-principal investigator – environment lead

fieke is a postdoc researcher at the university of amsterdam. previously she was a postdoc at the data justice lab at cardiff university, where she researched the relationship between datafication on labour in the netherlands. in her phd she looked at the institutional and societal implications of data-driven risk scoring and biometric recognition in brussels, belgium, the netherlands, and the uk. fieke is a former mozilla and green web foundation fellow where she explored ways to frame the climate crisis as a core digital rights issue. prior to starting her phd fieke worked for hivos where she set up the digital defenders partnership and at tactical tech where she lead the politics of data program.

fieke’s research interest is to understand how the material impact of expending infrastructures are shaping the management, distribution, and depletion of natural resources.

nadia gorchakova

nadia gorchakova — — program manager

nadia is a program manager at the critical infrastructure lab and has a background at the intersection of technology and climate justice. in her previous role, nadia worked for a global climate advocacy where she and her team managed the digital infrastructure of the organization.

sarah vorndran

sarah — — research assistant

sarah is a research assistant at the critical infrastructure lab with an interdisciplinary background in area- and media studies. her soft spot for design and its socio-technical dimensions manifests in creative explorations of urban infrastructures and digital interfaces. 

In her previous role, sarah assisted research on the modelling of uncertainty in climate communication, funded by the chinese university of hong kong. formerly, she was also affiliated with the educational radio às margens da cidade at the universidade federal de são carlos, where she participated as researcher on urban inequalities in brazil.


corinne cath – fellow 2023-2024 – environment

corinne is an anthropologist studying internet infrastructure politics. she brings ethnographic praxis to the study of computing cultures, cloud politics, and internet governance. 

as an inaugural critical infrastructure lab fellow, she will be investigating the rough cultures that define internet governance communities and how cloud computing is changing power dynamics in the internet industry. she also has a keen interest in researching the intersection between space governance and internet technologies, including satellites and cosmic content delivery networks.

andreas baur – fellow 2023-2024 – geopolitics

Andreas Baur is a research associate at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), University of Tübingen, Germany. There, he has been working on several research projects on IT infrastructures and their governance, technology ethics, security, and privacy. He is an external PhD candidate working on ‘The Politics of the Cloud’ at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of Amsterdam.

Andreas’ research focuses on the intersection between information and security technologies and society, especially with regards to questions of power, autonomy, and dependency.

jen liu – fellow 2024-2025 – environment

Jen Liu is a researcher and designer studying the ecological, social, and political implications of computing technologies and infrastructures. She is currently a PhD candidate in Information Science at Cornell University where she is studying the impact of climate change on networked infrastructures in coastal landscapes. 

senka hadzic – fellow 2024-2025 – environment, standards

Senka is a researcher interested in affordable last mile connectivity solutions for remote areas and disadvantaged populations.

As an Information Control Fellow supported by the Open Technology Fund, Senka is working with the critical infrastructure lab team on the digital security aspects and resilience of last mile solutions, such as community networks.

Thymen Gomperts

fellow 2024-2025 – standards

Thymen Gomperts is a carpenter and builder situated in the historic heart of Amsterdam. The building industry has always been deeply entangled with the development and practical application of infrastructure and standards.

Being both practically involved and highly interested in the subject, he helps give the lab insights into the common problems associated with organizing and applying infrastructure and standards in the real world and its changes throughout history.

Zuza Warso – fellow 2024-2025 – geopolitics

Zuza’s research focuses on exploring how EU policies affect digital infrastructures and how they could be steered to support a model of digital public space that is non-extractive, allows people to enjoy their rights, and protects the commons. Zuza is Research Director at Open Future. She has a background in human rights and European law.

becoming a fellow

are you interested in becoming a fellow? for us a fellow is someone  who is connected to the infrastructure lab and adds to the body of knowledge and activities of the lab. the relationship should be mutually beneficial and contribute to creating new infrastructural imaginaries. fellows are selected for an academic year with the possibility to add another year. what we request of you is that you join our reading groups, organize an activity, and/or (co-)author a paper with us. what can we offer: an affiliation, participation in the (intellectual life of the) lab and the possibility to present on lab days, and have a space and platform to co-organize something. if needed, we can also explore if we can be fiscal sponsor for your projects. we provide desk space if needed. interested? contact one of the co-pis!

former fellows & staff

Szilvia Mondel

project manager

Szilvia Mondel was the first project manager of the critical infrastructure lab. she has extensive experience with managing educational and institutional projects at the university of amsterdam. her organizational, administrative, and logistical skills were indispensable to running the critical infrastructure lab. she also loves windsurfing and painting.

ellen strickland

fellow 2023-2024 – geopolitics

ellen is an internet policy practitioner and researcher who has been studying and engaging in the shaping of internet governance and infrastructure since the early 2000s, during the WSIS process. She has engaged from across sectors, including as a government official, technical community leader, civil society advocate, and satellite investment company founder.

as a fellow she was reflecting on approaches to research and praxis, building on her previous research grounded in a critical political economy perspective and exploring discursive and sociological practices of internet policymaking.

she has a keen interest in reform of multilateral and multistakeholder Internet governance, as well as Internet infrastructure development to help people respond to and reduce the impacts of climate crisis. 

vasilis ververis

fellow 2023-2024 – standards

vasilis is a researcher studying the technical implications of internet censorship in the eu and worldwide.

during their fellowship at the critical infrastructure lab, vasilis worked on a system that can track, categorize, and enumerate incidents of internet censorship, and network disruptions due to human or natural disasters that affect websites and Internet services. 

jenna ruddock

fellow 2023-2024 – environment

jenna is a researcher and advocate interested in the intersections of law, technology, media and environmental justice.

as a critical infrastructure lab fellow, she continued her research on data centers, water use, and community resistance/governance. this work aimed to situate data center construction, operations, and expansion within a broader history of industrial infrastructure politics. 

jef ausloos

fellow 2024 – geopolitics

jef ausloos is an assistant professor at the institute for information law at the university of Amsterdam, and a research fellow at the centre for IT & IP law at the university of Leuven. His work is driven by a critical understanding of the political economy of digital infrastructures and a desire for social change. Jef has worked in/with NGOs and people across disciplines and geographies. Currently, his work mainly centres around data rights and transparency of digital infrastructures.